MainStay Massage & Day Spa

91 North Main Street

Cortland, New York 13045



                                         Meditation Room

Looking for a winter meditation practice? 

Try taking a meditative walk in the snow.

Walk slowly, settling into your breath.

Feel the cold air on your cheeks. Watch your breath crystallize in the air. 

Pay attention to the crunch of snow underfoot, to the caress of flakes on your face.

Listen to the life around you, the call of chickadees, the caw of a crow.

Watch the flight of a red-tailed hawk. Note the prints in the snow, squirrel, rabbit, fox, turkey.

Inhale and exhale, paying attention to your body, to the world around you, to winter.  

Priscilla Berggren-Thomas is an over-educated librarian, with a Master of Divinity degree from Earlham School of Religion (ESR). She received training in both individual and group spiritual direction from ESR and the Spiritual Renewal Center in Syracuse, NY. She facilitates spiritual exploration groups in womens' spirituality, discernment of calls and gifts, and spirituality at work.